Jun 28Liked by Amara Amaryah

This was so beautiful. I need a book.

I have been recently breaking out of my own chrysalis and unlearning all the fear that I was taught of starting afresh. This essay/ offering felt so synchronous and encouraging with my present journey. Always grateful to experience your spirit Amara, thank you! 🙏 🩷

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I love the way you’ve worded this and I am equally so grateful to you for your insight and wisdom, always

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Jun 26Liked by Amara Amaryah

this felt very real and on time, so many reflections and quotables but mostly what's sticking is "When you take a risk, it is essential that you take another one. It is a sequence that belongs to the language of intuition" grateful for this reminder as I've been moving around this year and struggling with risk and the stop and start of rituals and landings. grateful for your putting words to this <3

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Mmmm thanks for sharing what stuck with you, so beautiful to learn that you're moving through these thoughts and landings too. I am so excited and forever inspired by your heart-led travels/movements.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 27Liked by Amara Amaryah

I am going to be thinking about the word "landing" for the rest of the week now. A lovely meditation on risk. You're making me want to get out there again, Amara. There being the unknown.

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I love that, I hope you make it there in perfect timing.

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Jun 26Liked by Amara Amaryah

I am gagged that you tried to take your Himalayan Salt lamp girl be so for real hahhahahha

I loved this! Risk is so scary and intimidating because you never know what is on the other side. But I agree with you - it is also a good thing. Being open to risk, and that risk resulting in a fuller life, is something that you just have to be open to doing! Life is inherently risky and the sooner you accept that the better!

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ahahahaha Martha I wish you saw my mother's face when I opened the suitcase and revealed the lamp neatly tucked in with socks like nothing to see here. I am everything but fr😂

Yes, I am so glad that you can resonate, life is inherently risky and I think it is easy to forget that sometimes. Being open to it, as you say, is the first step on the path.

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