Jun 3Liked by Amara Amaryah

I am receiving your words so deeply. Last week I bled and in my heart of hearts, the only thing I want is to bleed in peace. (Thankfully it overlapped with a four day long weekend which was a blessing) I have no interest in working or productivity when my body is on her moon.

Two weeks ago I gave my notice at the non profit where I've worked for four years. My rhythms do not align with a 40 hour work week. I am a woman who has a 28 day cycle. I am not meant to produce like a man. And millions of women have been forced to. So there are two short weeks left until I begin a gentler pace. It's unclear exactly how I'll fill my days and that's okay. I'm trusting the process.

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Wow, thank you for this comment Sarah, and for offering so deeply an example from your life. This is exactly it. I resonate with that feeling of wanting better alignment for my body and cycle. I was just recently discussing this with a friend who has organised her month around not being available to work while bleeding. So proud of you for choosing a rhythm that works for you. Heavy on the trust too while you transition to gentler flows. This is beautiful, so much to celebrate here. Glad for this example of what it means to not force yourself, but to be compassionate instead!

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Mmm another authentic piece from theee Amara! It’s always interesting to deep dive into what voices are swirling around in our heads that are still guiding us ie. Our past managers. I think it’s a lifelong effort to assess and address narratives that aren’t our own so no need to feel embarrassed! I personally try to stay home with my beanie baby on Mondays every week so we can ease into our week. I do light housework to reset from the weekend and light cooking. It’s nice to be home on a Monday! Tues-Thurs are my busiest days. So I’m in full support!

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Another comment to warm my heart, I am always grateful to sit with your insights <3

Thank you for this, I like that wording because it is true, the deep dive to actually query where the voices come from is lifelong, and it is so worth it. And! you are so right, that is not a need for embarrassment, actually. Loving Libran words from theee Carrington!

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I felt this so much, Amara (and was delighted to stumble upon your Substack this evening)! I'm neither freelance nor remote but I too value and honor ease in my life. Mondays have always been a struggle, and I've been leaning instinctually towards a more explicit acceptance of that reality. To know that the moon may be on my side is powerful too! Your words and thoughts on this are really a boost - thank you!

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Thank you so much for sharing and being here! It's always beautiful when we find ourselves intuitively in line with nature

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I am liviiiiinggggg for your journey! Some of the same reasons you didn't feel aligned to corporate america are some of the same reasons I didn't either. While I'm still in the traditional workforce, I can't wait until the day that it is no longer a necessity for me. Thank you for allowing us to live vicariously through your ventures!

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ahh i’m so glad you found something in this piece and 100% I am rooting for the moment you are able to step into whatever you next envision beyond the corporate world. There’s so much beauty in carving your own path, I love that so many of us are reclaiming that 🤍

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Jun 8Liked by Amara Amaryah

You already know we are *points eye to eye* here with it and this essay is so timely. I resonated with this on so many levels. I'm so happy to see/hear you honoring your boundaries, acknowledging your old patterns, honoring rest, and putting your wellness first. And lastly, I deeply appreciate you sharing my words and having a connection with it! That means so much to me.

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thankful that it found you in good timing and absolutely love how aligned we seem to be girl🌹thanks again for your sharing

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Jun 4Liked by Amara Amaryah

So thought provoking Amara I loved this. Disrupting the rhythms that are forced upon us is much harder than you’d think. It’s so powerful to challenge the voices in our heads - why DO we have to do x at a certain time!? It’s so interesting that even whilst being freelance in somewhere so different you still struggle with when you should and shouldn’t do certain things. We’ve spoken about this before (and we will again when I reply to your vn tomorrow) but it speaks to me so much about since being sick my relationship with time and productivity has been challenged in such a profound way. I still struggle with tiny little voices that say ‘you need to do this’ and I’m like wait! Girl? I don’t need to do anything!!! Especially resonated with the ‘doing things by 5/6pm point! I’m like this with my newsletter - I can’t shake the feeling that if I’m writing beyond 6pm then it’s ‘bad’? It’s so funny.

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It really is!! I feel like I'm practicing how to consistently disrupt these rhythms that are not mine. Speaking back to the voice in your head while in a shifting state in your body/health is a huge one, the 5/6 pm deadline needs to go and leave us in peace. I also love how much of my daily conversations and musings are finding their way into vn and newsletters alike hehe I am so looking forward to your response whenever the space arrives for you to send it my way❤️

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3Liked by Amara Amaryah

When I started my side business of editing for fempreneurs and indie romance authors, I can only work in the evenings because I still have a Corp Hell Job. But I did make a point, when I sent over the Client Welcome Packet, to include my biz hours... which was Mon-Thurs. I love the idea of ease-filled Mondays and the 4-day work week. I'm still at the Corp Hell Job and had, initially, thought I wanted to do my side biz full time. But I recently re-discovered my "ikigai" (https://literallyororo.substack.com/p/when-the-universe-literally-guides), which makes total sense. I think it would be fabbity-fab if I could get rid of the CHJ and just read, write, and edit all day. LOL You mentioned that you're a freelance writer and TEFL teacher. Did you go through a program for the TEFL training? And thank you for sharing Amirah's post. I subscribed.

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Your side business sounds fun and so dreamy. The concept of Ikigai is something I've been meaning to delve deeper into. Thanks for sharing your post, it will be my introduction to your writing 🥰 I can't wait. I am sure you will do what feels aligned in regards to the CHJ, I want that for you. Also, yes, I got qualified through the TEFL programme.

Amirah has quickly become a new favourite writer here, her words are a light. She is also an Aquarius woman writer and I just can't help myself, the rebellion in her is exciting. I quite literally recommend her here aha. Excited for us to read more of her work! Appreciate your comments always Ororo, for real <3

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“I’m living from the pull of my gut, not haste.” Mmmmm, mmmmm. I love this.

Having worked as a freelancer and often lived Nomadishly for many years now, I understand this—shall we call it divide?—quite well. For me, the call productivity comes from both without and within, I think. I’m learning to tease out what belongs to me and why and what part I want to keep and what I want to let go.

As always, my fellow slo-mad, I love reading your thoughts. And I love hearing about how you’re becoming slow in ways that you.

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Holly, I'm smiling so much at this comment. 'Nomadishly' is added to the list of variations for nomad-adjacent living and I love that this is a thing.

So, I 100% hear you, productivity has so many layers. I especially can see the need to learn, while freelancing or otherwise, what is a healthy and unhealthy version of it. And also what is a burst of energy and passion. Grateful for your comment and insights! Thanks for affirming the slow life with me.

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Thank you for this. I'd love to read more of what you have to say about softness.

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Thanks for being here! Yes, more to come! Feel free to share if there is anything in particular that you'd like me to write about when it comes to softness though, I'm so open to hearing.

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This speaks so deeply, especially “being freelance is not…for those who crave permission. You have to give that to yourself and believe that your permission is valid.” Thank you

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You are so welcome, I am glad it reached you. Thanks for connecting and showing up here

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Jun 3Liked by Amara Amaryah

Phew, this resonates deeply! I too take my Mondays for rest and ease. Once I realized the planetary rulers for each day I was like- this makes so much sense! As a creative thats been freelance for 4 years now I see myself in these words! It took me a full two years to ease out of my commuter walk. I was living on the coast of Oaxaca - where was I rushing too? 🫠 I still see the ways those long time frameworks around work show up, and I find myself consistently remembering I have the ability to choose. I do love having structure but it's so important that it's body forward- that I feel into it. Hershey's book was a salve, I may just revisit it again. Thank you for this wonderful reminder. ✨

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Wow wow, all of this, but especially 'where was I rushing to?' because that is a question I had to pose to myself. It's just like you said, 'consistently remembering the ability to choose'. The unlearning of past frameworks is a process. Thank you for introducing the phrase 'body forward' into the conversation too, this is absolutely it. Also, where abouts were you in Oaxaca? I was living in the city but I visited the coast (Puerto Angel, Puerto Escondido) and loved it.

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Jun 3Liked by Amara Amaryah

It's so interesting to me how these frameworks are a consistent undoing. I wonder if I can eventually detatch myself completely? Although, I really feel that it's possible with time. Ah, that's so wonderful you've spent time in Oaxaca. I was in Puerto Escondido for 3.5 years. I moved further inland to be in closer proximity various arts communities. ✨ I believe you mentioned Chiapas as well? I would love to visit again. I loved the Indigenous visibility and craft work.

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I believe it is, with some dedication, I see that as a reality if we choose it. Glad that you've brought this up, it's a beautiful self prompt.

Puerto Escondido is such a beautiful, chill spot. I had a great little time passing through. Yes I did spend time in Chiapas! I was in San Cris. I loved it for similar reasons as you mentioned, and the naturaleza <3

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Jun 3Liked by Amara Amaryah

Oh, San Cris is so so beautiful ✨

I'm definitely going to sit and continue to embody deep rest on this Moon Day- thank for the beautiful exchange. 🌞

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Exactly this, it’s been beautiful. Enjoy your Moon day, rest well. Looking forward to slowly reading more of your work too!

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Jun 3Liked by Amara Amaryah

PS: I bought the rest book! Can't wait to dig in.

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ughh yes!! enjoy it

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“Being freelance is not for the weak, but it is also not for those who crave permission.”


Always inspiring me to stay true to my relationship to rest and self and their relationship with one another.

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